A Fox News poll has revealed US voters are pointing to blame the policies of US President Joe Biden for increasing gas prices.
The poll indicated 50 per cent of poll participants attributed policy as a driver for increasing gas prices while 32 per cent attributed price hikes to the Ukraine war.
Soaring gas prices have brought that issue home for most Americans with the average price per gallon rising more than a dollar in the past year. An Emerson College March national poll found that the vast majority of Americans are feeling the pain of higher prices.
A large majority of voters say the economy is in bad shape. Two-thirds are pessimistic about conditions. Gas and grocery prices are a major problem for most families. And a growing number of voters feel they are losing ground financially.
That’s the grim backdrop for the upcoming midterm elections, according to the latest Fox News national survey.

Forty-seven percent feel they are falling behind financially, up 20 points compared to last June. Some 42% are holding steady, while only 10% are getting ahead.
“Eighty-three percent (83%) of voters say they are experiencing some hardship due to increased prices on everyday items, with 40% reporting significant hardship, and another 43% reporting some hardship,” the poll said.
“Seventeen percent (17%) report experiencing no hardship. When asked about who they blame for an increase in gas prices, a plurality (39%) blame the Biden Administration, 21% blame the sanctions on Russia, and 18% blame gas and oil companies.”
When asked to offer a more general assessment of their economic mood, 65% say they feel pessimistic. That’s an 18-point increase since last year, and up 30 points from four years ago.
Nine in 10 reports the cost of food and gas is a problem for their family. That includes majorities who say current grocery (55%) and gas prices (67%) are a “major” problem. For voters in households earning less than $50,000 annually, nearly three-quarters call gas prices a major problem (72%). And by a 50-32% margin, more voters say President Biden’s policies are responsible for current gas prices than blame Russian President Putin’s war with Ukraine.
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