Small costs and expenses may not seem like a big deal on an individual basis, but they can add up and have a significant impact on cash flow. Implementing a cost-reduction plan will save you a lot of money over time.
Here are some specific ideas:
Encourage Energy Efficiency in the Office
Utilities often account for a significant portion of overhead costs. If you can find a way to increase energy efficiency in the office, you’ll enjoy significant cost savings.
Heating and cooling are one thing to look at. A programmable and/or smart thermostat system may allow you to cut climate control costs without compromising on comfort.
Research Your Market
Start your search engines. Research your market and find potential visitors for your website by looking through Usenet newsgroups (forums on the Internet where people post messages for public viewing) and special-interest groups related to your target market, product, or service.
Spread the word yourself.
Are you letting people know what your URL is? Try putting it on your letterhead and business cards and in email signatures – wherever potential visitors are likely to see it.
Go with the flow.
Rather than paying for employees who sit idle when business is slow, consider hiring temporary employees to handle surges in business.
Make experience count.
Get free or low-cost help – and give local college students a chance to learn the ropes – by hiring interns.
Grow your network
Generally speaking, the bigger your professional network, the better. Every person you meet could be a potential advisor, customer, or partner. And in the early days, it can actually help you cut costs significantly by turning your time and skills into currency.
Buy Generic or Used Items
You don’t need to buy brand new or name brand products for your office. While there are times when it makes sense to do so, there are significant savings to be enjoyed when you open your business up to purchasing generic and/or used items.
Manage Employee Spending
The misuse or abuse of company-issued credit cards occurs among employees at every level. By setting guidelines, activating pre-set limits and alerts, and monitoring your monthly spending reports, you can save money and avoid costly mistakes.
Offer Electronic Invoices
Electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) is the issuing of invoices by email directly to your customer. You can reduce your company’s print and postage costs if you begin sending invoices electronically.
Align Operations Costs With Usability
Your company may be paying for a lot of essential services including telecommunications, data management, automated tools, cloud storage, bookkeeping, etc. Review these services regularly to determine whether they are still needed.
We have always emphasized the importance of having a good website for your company because it can act as your best tool for marketing and sales. A poorly designed website can repel people from your business and cause you to lose customers before you even have them. Get in touch with HyperEffects to work on creating, enhancing, and making your company’s website more user-friendly.