Going Viral Online

Viral Online.

If you’re an Internet marketer or someone who wants everyone in the world to see your latest YouTube video, then viral is a word you love. Today, going viral refers to the sharing of something, often a video or a website link, via email or social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter. Everyone wants more traffic, more views, more subscribers, more followers, more likes and more comments from as many people as they can reach online. If you can get something to go viral on the internet, you can get a lot of exposure in a short span of time without much effort.

While there is no sure-shot way go viral online, it is clear that you must create the right kind of content at the right time and with the right people to get viewers interested. You first need to get discovered in order to go viral. Most would argue it just takes a whole lot of luck too. I agree. I never said it is going to be easy, but it is going to be totally worth the effort.

Here, I have put together some tips that you may keep in mind when trying to make something to go viral.

Current Events

Current affairs are currently alive in people’s minds and it does not take a lot of effort to get their attention on something that contains information about current affairs. Another benefit is that people are searching for information about current affairs on Google, Twitter etc. So, your content has a greater chance of being searched and noticed.

Gripping Video

There is no rule to making and uploading videos on YouTube, as long as they are original. There is no specific pattern to follow while making a video that can go viral. All that matters is the creativity in thought and expression and before you know, people are hitting ‘play’ on your video across the world. Videos are a big part of the web, and they get shared like crazy all over social media. If your video gets discovered by others who like what they see, they may do all the promotion for you by sharing it all over their own social networks.

Dare to Be Shocking and Controversial

Yes, this is true. Ever noticed how much some celebrities, politicians and stars are ridiculed, opposed and thrown dirt at on social media for something that they just casually said on social media? While some incidents are genuine cases of stupidity, some such comments or viral video leaks are a planned thing. When people discuss you, you become famous. No matter what is the subject of that discussion. So, if you are ok with ‘negative publicity’, throw something controversial or shocking for the social media flies to come buzzing at!

Keywords and Tags

Keep in mind that people are typing in keywords and phrases to search for stuff. If their search term matches with the tag in your video, your video will pop up for them to view. So, in order to have your video pop-up and become visible, use right, appropriate and many tags while uploading the video. Make sure you have as many keywords as you can fit in the headline, description and throughout the text body.

Submit Your Content to Reddit

Get people to watch/read your content on Reddit and lo! You become famous overnight! If you can get on the front page of Reddit, you could get thousands upon thousands of views. Other users will upvote or downvote your submitted piece of content, and the more upvotes it gets, the more it will be pushed to the front of the page. It’s tricky, however, and we recommend that you take the time to get involved in the Reddit community first before just simply submitting links to your stuff for self-promotion. Reddit actually frowns a lot on submitting your own stuff.

There are many other ways to make your content go viral online. However, the entire idea of going viral is about promoting a brand, a person or an idea. At HyperEffects, we pride ourselves in our ability to chart out a plan for individuals and businesses to get noticed and promote the brand, the individual and the idea that they support. Enrol yourself for our one-hour free consultation session today, to understand  the benefits of the idea and see it grow in the new year!

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