Being a Good Leader, Buisness Leaders
All small business owners are the boss or the leader in their offices. As business leaders, they love to think that they’re perfect, but the truth is, nasty habits can creep into everyday life without our even noticing. Here are some habits that may be minor, but they might also be hampering your chances of success. Stop these habits right now.
Underestimating Good Health
- Personal health is paramount to business success. Have you ever noticed how many entrepreneurs go through ping-pong weight changes?
- Sometimes we get so focused on the next project that we neglect ourselves, and poor habits eventually catch up to us in a big way.
- Many articles tell you the benefits of taking breaks, whether 15-minute walks, daily meditation or even vacations.
- Heed these articles. By focusing on these smaller details of health, one day at a time, you’ll see how the bigger picture of your health affects your business.
- Right now, you are probably saying “I just don’t have the time for this”.
- Trust me, you have 10 minutes to get the blood flowing.
- I can’t stress enough the necessity of taking care of yourself, because if you aren’t physically and mentally healthy, neither is your business.
- Entrepreneurs are often called upon to wear many hats, but everybody has a limit.
- As the CEO or manager of a company, especially in startup phase, it can be easy to put too much of anything and everything onto your plate.
- Taking on too much can add up to big trouble.
- Think early-on about how to delegate work to trusted individuals.
- It may be as simple as adding just one more project over what you can actually handle that takes you out of the game.
- But more than likely what knocks you off your game is adding one more job and one more job and one more job, until you’re simply overwhelmed.
- We’ve all fallen into these traps.
- Try people out on projects and roles so you truly know and understand who you can trust and turn to for help when it matters, because it will matter.
- The delegation situation can sometimes be difficult.
- However, you haired the managers, business partners, employees for a reason, now delegate.
- After that first hire, business can no longer be a one-man-band.
- You can’t do everything yourself, so don’t try.
- Piling yourself up with too many projects will exhaust you in the short run, and in the long run it can hurt your health, your business and your employees.
- Success may come quickly, or it may come slowly, but drawing comparisons to an industry leader will only hold you back.
- Never compare your chapter one with someone else’s chapter five.
- If you’re in the opening chapters of your success, don’t get bogged down comparing the later, more successful chapters of someone else’s life story.
- Unicorns are, by nature, hard to find, and very rare.
- If you find yourself wishing you had someone else’s swag and fancy cars, just remember: They had to pay a price to progress through the chapters, too.
- Sometimes the hardest thing to recognize is that you aren’t the expert, whereas an employee might be.
- In the same vein of taking on too much, many leaders find themselves in the micromanaging-mire.
- Don’t get stuck there.
- At first you may need to oversee the work as it progresses, but step back as soon as possible; let them do their jobs.
- Not uncommonly, they will exceed your expectations.
- Not being the expert in everything doesn’t make you less of a leader, it just means you need good managers, team leads and employees, all doing their jobs to fill the gaps.
- Showing an interest in and even being the first managing position over the project team is fine, but nit-picking every minute detail isn’t good for you or your business.
- Establish smart or clear and reasonable goals.
Lastly, remember that a business’ strength is derived from its unique human capital, which deserves the investment in your well-being just as much as anything else. Contact HyperEffects to chart out a tailor-made tool for your business processes to be more swift, organised and easy.
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