Cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular over the past several years – as of 2018, there were more than 1,600 of them! And the number is constantly growing. With that has come to an increase in demand for developers of the blockchain (the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin).
The salaries blockchain developers earn show how much they are valued: According to Indeed, the average salary of a full-stack developer is more than $112,000. There’s even a dedicated website for cryptocurrency jobs.
Why consider using crypto?
More than 2,300 US businesses accept bitcoin, according to one estimate from late 2020, and that doesn’t include bitcoin ATMs. An increasing number of companies worldwide are using bitcoin and other digital assets for a host of investment, operational, and transactional purposes.
The use of crypto for conducting business presents a host of opportunities and challenges. As with any frontier, there are both unknown dangers and strong incentives. That’s why companies venturing to use crypto in their businesses should have two things: a clear understanding of why they are undertaking that action and a list of the many questions they should consider.
Few benefits of cryptocurrency are:
Transaction costs
The cost of transacting in cryptocurrency is relatively low compared to other financial services. For example, it’s not uncommon for a domestic wire transfer to cost $25 or $30. Sending money internationally can be even more expensive.
Cryptocurrency transactions are usually less expensive. However, you should note that demand on the blockchain can increase transaction costs. Even so, median transaction fees remain lower than wire transfer fees even on the most congested blockchains.
Anyone can use cryptocurrency. All you need is a computer or smartphone and an internet connection. The process of setting up a cryptocurrency wallet is extremely fast compared to opening an account at a traditional financial institution. There’s no ID verification. There’s no background or credit check.
Short Settlement Times and Low Fees
While some people only want to invest in cryptocurrency for price appreciation, others might find benefit in the ability to use crypto as a medium of exchange.
Bitcoin and Ether transactions could cost anywhere from nickels and dimes to several dollars or more. Other cryptocurrencies like Litecoin, XRP, and others can be sent for pennies or less. Payments for most cryptos settle in seconds or minutes. Wire transfers at banks can cost significantly more and often take three to five business days to settle.
Currency exchanges finish smoothly:
Cryptocurrency can be bought using many currencies rather like the US dollar, European euro, British unit of measurement, the Indian rupee, or Japanese yen. Varied cryptocurrency wallets and exchanges help convert one currency into another by trading in cryptocurrency, across different wallets, and by paying minimal transaction fees.

Secure and private:
Privacy and security have always been concerns for cryptocurrencies. The blockchain ledger relies on different mathematical puzzles, which are hard to decode. It makes cryptocurrency safer than ordinary electronic transactions. Cryptocurrencies are for better security and privacy, and they use pseudonyms that are unconnected to any user account or stored data that might be linked to a profile.
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