How to Gaining Customer Attention?
As a small business owner, what do you think are the biggest issues affecting small business today and why? Small businesses create about two out of every three new jobs in the U.S. each year. More than half of Americans either own or work for a small business. Small businesses are a very important part of the American economy.
Getting the word out about your business is crucial to its success. Marketing is the biggest challenge small businesses face in 2017.
So, today I am going to share some quick tips to get more customers and increasing sales:
- Technology has made it easier than ever to test and bring a product to market, but it is difficult to cut through the noise on social media and other marketing channels and differentiate your business and brand, so make your marketing ideas different, so they stand out.
- It is no news that every company needs to be on social media now. However, posting once a month to Facebook or Twitter is a total waste of your valuable time. You need to use it regularly for social media to have a chance of boosting your bottom line. Doing it well without allowing it to consume too much of your time is the trick.
- The world has about 7 billion possible customers who can be broken down into segments like gender, geographical location, age, marital status, education level, job, hobbies, psychological traits and many more identifiable segments. It will be easier for you target the right customer with your content once you have done a segment analysis. The better the picture you have of your customers, the easier.
- Applying frequent small changes in the business environment will not have a huge serious effect on the business. In fact, small business owners should frequently look at ways to improve their performance and skills and be ready to accept and respond to changes as and when they occur. A continuous analysis and improvement process helps you work together towards achieving the goals that you set for yourself and the business and keeps you working in better coordination with beneficial allies.
- “Independent” media news stories are mostly perceived by consumers to be more credible than paid advertising. Therefore, it is important to get favorable media coverage and can be quite valuable for your business. One downside, of course, is that the marketer does not get to control what the media will say. This type of coverage is not necessarily less expensive than traditional advertising, either, since a lot of labor is often needed to generate media interest.
- There is generally a preference for precise, factual information although a human-interest story may also be of interest. news releases should generally be brief. Ordinarily, these should not exceed two double spaced pages in length although additional information can be made available.
- Thankfully networking events, both online and in real life, are becoming more and more common, and people are discovering ways to connect with possible mentors and friends. I always tell small business owners to just reach out and ask someone who has been in the trenches to coffee so you can run your ideas or problems by them.
- No person is an island, and business owners love to talk about themselves. Just talking through possible solutions really does make all the difference in the world.
- Start asking successful businessmen about their experiences. Learn from them. It gets difficult to find right and effective solutions all by yourself when you are overloaded with information. I think that’s one of the biggest obstacles affecting small business today. It becomes a challenge for a new business to come up with good decisions, and in such times, a trustworthy, experienced business contact can help you make or break the decision. Look out for such people and you will automatically walk quicker towards success.
Large businesses always have their current promotions placed high on their website, so they’re the first thing a customer sees. Learn from them. Make it easy for people to find you. It is not a good idea to make them hunt for information because it annoys potential customers, and a high bounce rate can lower your search engine ranking. Contact HyperEffects to help you make the best use of technology to reach out to the most relevant customers.