Healthy & Safe Business Relationships.
In today’s age, almost half of the advertising and promotion budget of a small business is spent on social media giants, because a big part of the company’s success is its number of Facebook likes and Instagram followers. The advent of internet has been extremely helpful in the development of this world, and social media has made stars out of many struggling artists, authors, business owners and actors. But the other side of the prism is that there has been a major loss to personal touch in our environment because of the easy access created by internet. The important questions that we need to ask ourselves are- has our bottom line increased because of the likes? Did the Instagram followers write us a million-dollar check? If the answer is no, I want to challenge all of you to work on building stronger personal relationships within your business.
Establishing trust, building relationships and hence increasing your bottom line is the key to professional growth. A good businessman grows his business through interpersonal skills. The more you know someone on a deeper level, the greater influence you will have on them. I am not saying that other factors are not important; I am just trying to bring the attention to those days when businesses used to be based on value addition and value delivery! The number of friends on social media doesn’t decide fulfilment in life. You can have tons of friends on social media but may still feel disconnected because there is less of emotional bonding. Knowing someone at a personal level opens doors to collaboration and opportunity.
As discussed in my article Shameless Self-Promotion Techniques, there is a fine line between self-adulation and self-promotion. You need to be the best at self-promotion in you filed in order to be successful. The basic thing to watch out for is self-promotion works because it is the art of spreading ideas, concepts, and a greater vision that you have gained through hard work and experience. Self-adulation is just the promotion of accomplishments or deeds that have already been done, which only sound boastful. Promoting ideas means giving people something to cheer for, to support. Like I am giving these ideas to your right now, and that is what is making you read on. When you share your ideas, your vision with people around you, they relate with it and come together to contribute to your success, to grow together.
Let me say, I absolutely love technology, However, I would never allow it to replace the power of building meaningful relationships with others. While social media is a great platform to connect with people and form new business relationships, I would say your own website is like your store; an online store. It helps you connect better with the customer, buyer or client at a personal level. If you do not have a website yet, let us help you get one. We, at HyperEffects, work with your specific needs to create a website that may help you connect with your desired audience at a personal level.
I want to share with you why building personal relationships is so important in growing your business.
Establishing Trust
Trust automatically forms when you take the time to build a relationship with someone. The other person sees you as the person that you are and the way you operate. You often meet people at an event or have a two-minute conversation with them. This does not mean they know you. Allowing people to see you for you is when you begin to establish trust and move from the surface. When you have a website dedicated to your work, and begin to share your story and are authentic with people, is when your business will begin to shift because you have established trust.
Creating Opportunity
When you build a relationship with someone, it allows people to know your character and what you bring to the table; it builds credibility. It also leaves room for opportunity, so others can connect with you, collaborate with you and work with you. I don’t collaborate with people who I don’t have the same values or common synergy with. Our brands should align, and the only way I will know this is if I spend some time in building a relationship with them. In business, collaboration is important and to establish a partnership you must know who you’re partnering with.
In my next post, I am going to share more benefits of forming healthy business relationships. Until then, remember:
Technology cannot replace the power of building meaningful relationships with people.