Especially A Home-Based Business
A new business does not always mean spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, especially a home-based business. I am going to talk about starting a business for under $100, but that later, because the options are very few and returns are obviously not that impressive. Today, and in some posts to follow, I am going to share with you some great business ideas. Some home-based and some not. And whoa!!!
You can start these with less than five grand. So, here we go!
Auto Detailing Service
All of us love having our cars sparkling, spotless clean, but how many times in a week do we have time to do it ourselves? An excellent idea for business is auto detailing, if you can manage to provide great service. Welcome everyone with a smile and keep the customers happy so they bring their cars back for more.
Babysitting Service
Time is what no one has today and a good businessman understands this and utilizes this to grow his bank balance. Baby sitters are always in high demand, however, honestly, not everyone is capable of taking good care of children. If you think you could take care of a child and I mean really take care, utilize your spare evenings for this. Friday nights and Saturday nights are especially popular; you could start up a babysitting service only for weekends as well. If you have the energy to take care of more than one child at a time, you can significantly increase your earnings for the evening. I am going to reiterate – do this only if you are sure you can take care of other’s child like your own- in every way.
Knowledge never goes waste and there are always buyers for it. If you are knowledgeable about a certain topic, get on to the web, and share your knowledge with others. Start writing a blog, and earn an income through the ads that are placed on your blog. This takes time and you will have to be patient, but eventually, it works for everyone. The world is looking for a new article all the time, and if your’s is well written, you’ve got income potential. You may even get a website for yourself. A website is like an online store where you display your thoughts, articles, share pictures, ideas, get comments and personally connect with like-minded people who value your knowledge. If you need help in creating and maintaining a website, HyperEffects can help you get started and they even have a one-hour free consultation program for beginners to understand ways to effectively use social media for business success. HyperEffects is one stop for your website, marketing and cyber development requirements.
Antique Refurbishment
If you pride yourself on being able to spot a valuable find while browsing through antique shops, turn this into a profitable business by sourcing old worn-out items. It is a great idea to get some antiques, invest some time and care into enhancing them, and then reselling them at a profit. If you have knowledge about antiques, even better. Use it to help others who don’t have knowledge, but can spend money to pay for your knowledge, and help them find a good deal. So, there are two ways to do this, either, as discussed above, get some antiques, invest some time and care into enhancing them, and then resell them at a profit. Or, get online and make yourself known for having knowledge about antiques. Sooner than you’d expect, people will start contacting you for help, because most antiques are an investment and nobody minds shedding some extra money to make sure they’re buying the right thing. Charge commission per piece.
Tip: If you are not sure about something, never hesitate to tell them that you will get back with detailed information!
Bed and Breakfast
It is becoming more of a trend for tourists to want to experience living like a local wherever they go. Also, most young and adventurous travellers are looking for cheaper alternative to luxury hotel rooms. These people are always on a look-out for bed and breakfast accommodation. If you have a room or two to spare in your home, and enjoy getting to know people from around the world, you can easily advertise bed and breakfast accommodation. Your chances of having your rooms booked out are even higher if your house is located close to tourist attractions.
Tip: if you are single and can offer to show them the city, even better. A tourist always fears being cheated by people outside and mostly welcomes a trustworthy local.
More in my next post. Keep coming back!!