Perfectionism has brought many leaders to where they are today. Without the motivation to do the best in what they do, many of the most successful companies today will not exist in their current form. But focusing too much on perfection can have a negative impact on the company and its leaders.
1. You Hate Opposition
Although you may strive to be perfect, your ideas, work, and management skills aren’t. No ones is! If you take extreme offense to feedback or are closed off to different ideas, you’re hindering the growth of your business.
“In the modern workforce, true perfection is flexible—and is completed by working as a team to develop ground-breaking innovations. Even if your method is flawless, it can always be enhanced by the insight of others,” said small business experts at The Office Club.
2. Keeps You Waiting for that Perfect Opportunity
Are you the kind of person that is always looking for the perfect opportunity? You’ve probably noticed a running theme by now, but no opportunity is perfect. It is generally more a matter of pros and cons. If you gain more pros by engaging in a new opportunity, you should generally go for it. Always be on the lookout for new opportunities for your business. Come up with a uniform system of evaluating each one.

Select the ones that make the most sense, and tackle any hurdles as they come along. Not every opportunity is going to work out, but some of them will, and when you look back you’ll see how imperfect the situation was at the beginning and the steps you took to improve it.
This strategy will also help you evolve as a business person as you learn what works and what doesn’t.
As Wayne Gretzky said,
“you miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take.”
3. Getting From Start to Finish
In many phases of business, things are constantly evolving and never actually finished. Think about a business plan or target customers. You should always be updating plans and trying to obtain new customers, but it is important to set milestones and plans that can actually be finished. It will give you a sense of accomplishment and vigor and inspire your next cycle of innovation.

Perfectionists are often cited as not being able to finish anything because there is always something that can be changed to try and reach that unobtainable level of perfection. Think about how this article started. Speed is an asset that perfection doesn’t allow.
4. You Can’t Meet Deadlines
Perfectionists often feel the need to thoroughly review every single thing with a fine-tooth comb. While supervising and consistently reviewing the work of your employees is vital, micromanaging others keeps people from meeting deadlines and being productive—and it may even drive them to look for another job.

Once you’ve approved a project, delegate it to the senior employee involved, and move on. Make a point to do this once a week so that one day it just comes naturally. You’ll slowly feel yourself start to unwind and loosen up, allowing the perfectionist tendencies to fade away—and your team and business to thrive.
5. Your bad relationships with employees and co-workers.
Often times perfectionists not only demand perfection from themselves but for others around them as well. This can cause tensions in the office as others aren’t able to live up to these high standards or they may deem them to be unnecessary. A perfectionistic boss can create a very tense working environment.
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