Best Ways To Promoting Small Businesses.
Today, most famous social media platforms allow businesses to run ads that attract specific groups of users based on what information they include in their profiles. Traditionally, the goal in media planning was to minimize wasted advertising, which was achieved by reducing the quantity of advertising sent to consumers who are unlikely to purchase or have an interest in their product and who are not active in the category. This gave birth to the idea of target advertising.
As discussed in my blog Social Media and Happy Customer, this concept has proven to be a very effective way to reach out to the right customers through social media.
It just doesn’t pay to crow too much about what you’ve accomplished. I celebrate when things go well, sure, but I’ve found that talking too much about my achievements leads not only to criticism, but to disappointment. Why disappointment? Because there’s always someone who’s done more or worked harder. Phew! So, until I have carved my name on the other side of the moon, there’s no reason to puff myself up. The minute you get a big head, reality punches you in the face and you realize that you aren’t as cool as you think you are. Neither am I. So what!
So, I stay away from self-adulation. But self-promotion? That’s a completely different story. If you watch videos of the most successful or talked about/famous people in any field, you’ll almost always see someone incredibly talented in the art of self-promotion. I heard an author once say that he’s a “bestselling author” and not a “best-writing author.” So, the best ‘whoever’ is a lot of times not the best at that work or talent, but he is by far the best at self-promotion in that field.
Because LinkedIn is designed specifically for professional networking, businesses can find a host of valuable contacts there. Use LinkedIn, for example, to find business partners by identifying companies of interest and then asking your existing contacts to provide introductions. This is a good way to start eventual partnerships.
Putting up a blog or a fan page on one of the social media platforms will not ensure visitors. They sense that the flow of conversation is only one way. Experts claim that not being responsive and not participating in discussions or acknowledging comments is a sure-shot way to kill a community. Most companies that really care about the opinion of their customers, are constantly involved in the feedback and comments process, or even outsource the work to another company that can manage it for them. It is important to get involved with the customer, reader, fan, or whoever your target audience is.
Run frequent social media promotions. They have certainly proven to be more successful than coupons sent in the mail. These promotions can not only be run more frequently than sending coupons, they are more whimsical and engaging form of campaigning. Run games and quizzes and offer freebies to customers to earn more followers. While there is not sure-shot way go viral online, it is clear that you must create the right kind of content at the right time and with the right people to get viewers interested. You first need to get discovered in order to go viral. Most would argue it just takes a whole lot of luck too. I agree. I never said it is going to be easy, but it is going to be totally worth the effort. Here, I have put together some tips that you may keep in mind when trying to make something to go viral.
A significant objective of advertising is to change the existing attitude- of an individual, a gender, a society or an age group. The attitude of your target audience toward a product refers to his or her beliefs about, feeling toward, and purchase intentions for the product. Almost all large corporations today have built in-house networks. These platforms link employees working in different locations. Small and medium-sized businesses can take advantage of readily available tools to facilitate collaboration. Companies even have custom social networks, to connect its staff in the U.S., for example, with employees in Europe and Asia. This not only helps form better business relationships, it makes possible the sharing of best practices across cultures. If this sounds interesting, contact HyperEffects, for a free consultation on the concept, now.
I hope these tips help you in getting the best for your business. I am going to share more tips in my next blog, so keep coming back!