The Art of Good Management

The Basic Art of Good Management.

There are two things people want more than sex and money — recognition and praise. A leader creates a work environment in which people feel important and appreciated. The leader leads the team in their ultimate goal of serving their customer.

A leader makes other people feel important and appreciated. The leader excels at creating opportunities to provide rewards, recognition and thanks to his or her staff.

Today many American corporations spend a great deal of money and time trying to increase the originality of their employees, hoping thereby to get a competitive edge in the marketplace. But such programs make no difference unless management also learns to recognize the valuable ideas among the many novel ones, and then finds ways of implementing them. Along the way, to facilitate this service the leader makes sure that employees are treated as they want to be treated.

Rewards and Recognition

An outstanding leader understands that this is how she best encourages their laser-like focus on fulfilling the needs of their customers. Employees who are rewarded, recognized and thanked for this service provide the best customer care. In addition to supplying a shared vision and direction, leaders must develop a relationship with the people they inspire to follow them. Following an effective leader, people accomplish and achieve more than they may ever have dreamed possible.

The successful leadership relationship inspires people to become more than they might have been without the relationship. A key leadership trait is the ability to inspire followership. The foundation of this successful relationship is the leader’s ability to make people feel important. Sure, money and other benefits work to a certain extent, although, since money is a limited quantity in most organizations, I wouldn’t overemphasize its importance.

An effective leader needs to demonstrate the following practices. You may think these actions sound a lot like leadership by the golden rule. You’re right, although a fellow consultant told me about an even more powerful rule—the platinum rule. In the golden rule, you treat others as you wish to be treated. In the platinum rule, you treat people as they wish to be treated.

  • Say good morning.
  • Practicing simple courtesy is a powerful relationship-building tool.
  • Powerful, positive recognition makes people feel important.
  • Powerful, positive recognition encourages your employees to contribute more of the same work in the future.
  • Put praise in writing.
  • A thank you note to the employee, with a copy to her file, magnifies the impact of the recognition.
  • People have been known to display a thank you note or letter of recognition on the wall of their cubicle for years.
  • Seriously, the impact is that powerful.
  • Ask if the employee is feeling better.


  • Listen to what your coworkers, peers and staff members have to say.
  • Listen giving full attention to the person seeking your attention.
  • If you can’t pay full attention and listen actively, set a time with the person to meet when you can.
  • You gain much information from the ideas and opinions of others.
  • You make people feel special when you listen to them without distraction.
  • Pay attention to people using common courtesy.
  • Ask people how their weekend turned out.
  • Know that Rebecca has a soccer match.
  • Ask whether Rebecca won her soccer match.
  • Use powerful, positive language in your interaction with others.
  • Say “please” and “thank you” and “you’re doing a good job.”
  • Say, “We couldn’t have accomplished the goal without you.”
  • “Your contribution saved the customer for the company.”

These are powerful, yet simple, ways you can reward and recognize people. These are powerful, yet simple, ways to make the people you employ feel important and appreciated. Believe people are important. Act as if you believe people are important. People will feel important. Important people will serve the customer in stunning ways Important people will think of you as a great leader.

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