Marketing is meant to raise brand awareness and build a pipeline of qualified leads that turn into sales. For small businesses, getting the word out can be challenging due to less visibility and lack of resources, such as budget or time.
However, there are key strategies that can help scale small businesses’ marketing efforts.
Emphasize your value proposition.
If there’s no difference between a person and their competition, there’s no reason why a buyer would be compelled to work with them. The value proposition is what will differentiate a person from others in their space and make up prospects’ minds that they are the provider to go with.
Organic Social Media
Using social media for business is a non-negotiable. 67% of consumers use social media for customer support, and 33% prefer using social media instead of the telephone. If people can’t find a business via social media, they will look for competitors who ARE present on preferred social channels.
Promote A Free Consultation
Offering a free consultation can be a great marketing strategy for professional services. People want access to expertise, and in reality, offering a free consultation can attract potential clients and lead to new business.
Leverage influencers
Leveraging influencers can be an effective way to get the word out and boost visibility on social media. The key is to find the right influencer, not just someone with millions of followers. Opt for micro-influencers with tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand followers.
Email Customers and Potential Customers
Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach a large number of potential customers. It is easy to do, can be automated, and provides instantaneous communication.

Get Listed on Google
Getting listed on Google My Business is a useful tool for local businesses with local customer bases. When people in the same area as a company search on Google for a product or service the company provides, the company will appear in the top searches.
Referral Programs
Referral programs are a systematic approach companies use to incentivize people to tell others about their products or services. Implementing specific affiliate programs, customer referral programs, and partner programs within a marketing plan structure are meant to offer the instant credibility of existing customers to grow a customer base. Referral programs are often used synonymously with referral marketing.
Advertise In Niche Print Media
While much of the world has moved online, print media still exists, and in some niches, it still thrives.
Retail consumers have cited printed materials as the chief sources of information behind their purchasing decisions.
Direct Mail Marketing
Direct mail marketing is also still effective.
As online channels become more and more saturated with content, fewer companies look to direct mail, creating great opportunities ahead.
Having a good website for your company is crucial because it can act as your best tool for marketing and sales. A poorly designed website can repulse people from your business and can cause you to lose customers before you even have them. If you need help creating, enhancing, or making your company’s website more user-friendly, get in touch with HyperEffects.