Benefits of Small Business In Small Cities.
A variety of businesses are small and flexible and are growing rapidly; for example, recreational activities in small cities. Narrow focus is required for some businesses to survive. Some small businesses must adopt a narrow market focus. In doing so, they can develop premium reputation for serving a narrow market.
Here are a few benefits that small businesses enjoy.
Low Overhead Cost
Small scale operations enjoy low overhead costs. They can be easily operated in small premises with low operational costs. Most businesses do not use or require huge premises and hence, the rent to be paid is also not too much. This results in low price of product to customers. In some counties, business and citizens enjoy an extremely favourable environment in terms of tax payment. This makes the place more attractive to business owners. It does not have:
- Personal or corporate income tax
- Tax on stocks, bank accounts, bond or other intangible assets.
- Any tax on the income earned or received from another state after retirement.
Other than this, there are various incentives that are provided to the companies in such counties for relocating and expanding a business. These incentives are applied to multiple sectors, they are more flexible, depending on the type of business.
Responsiveness and Flexibility
- The hierarchy is small in small business as the chain of command is limited to few people, so it is easy to reach a quick decision related to business.
- Operations of these businesses are more flexible and can be changed in no time, with the change in related factors, unlike big companies, where they have set ways and established procedures which cannot be changed without necessary approvals.
Personal Relationship Development
- Small business owners are good at forming mutually beneficial business relationships with employees, manufacturers, suppliers and customers.
- The industry has a business-friendly environment in small cities and it is easy to know who you are dealing with, if you own a small business.
- This helps in interacting directly with the concerned people. It is easy to stay in touch with your business contacts and form strong, improved business relationships.
- This is not so true for businesses in bigger counties.
Serving Limited Market
- When you focus on a narrow target market, you have the best chance to become the leader of that niche.
- By focusing on a narrow target market, you also are able to contain costs.
- You are able to advertise and promote your products and services through media that focuses on your target group.
- Plus, you are able to contain costs of manufacturing products or delivery of services.
- When you develop a reputation for helping people with a specific niche, or particular demographic makeup, people who fit that need or group look out to do business with you and are mostly willing to pay more for the privilege.
- You can choose the customer segment based on marketing trends, demographics, psychographics, and customer needs.
- This is especially true when you target a segment that is less vulnerable to substitutes or where the competitive landscape is weak.
- You can also decide on the best types of product and service solutions to sell to this niche.
- If the business is large, it must manufacture a large number of products and spread its market to earn enough revenue so that at least the cost of the business can be earned, plus the profit to keep the business going.
- However, it is not the same for small businesses.
- Small businesses can earn profit even through small sales and without serving a huge market. For example, there are some farms that grow vegetables, berries and fruits which are good enough for the family and can serve the needs of a few nearby restaurants in the growing season.
Small businesses are well positioned to introduce innovative ideas in every field. Today there is skilful work force, talented engineers and technicians available everywhere to be employed. Small scale business can make use of the local talent to kickstart their business. HyperEffects is home to a host of ideas for business development and uses cutting-edge technology to get recognition for small businesses. What if consumers know your business and what you can offer, but they can’t reach you? Contact us for a free consultation on the concept, now.