Sales Skills & Best Network for Small Businesses.
What works for one business may not work for another and vice versa, however, the background and reputation of the seller, the sale techniques and the type of product play an important role in making an approach successful in getting sales. Different approaches can be taken to make and increase sales. Trying different approaches and making constant changes is advisable. A combination approach is the best for most businesses.
Education Based Selling
- This process involves educating the prospect. Take time to explain every point about your product to the customer, without rushing to close the sale.
- This type of selling requires an upfront investment of time and effort in your prospect, however it gives fruitful results in the end.
- Emphasis on the unique features of your product, talk about its quality and functions and tell the customer how it is better than the other products available in the market.
- For example, if you are selling a handmade bag, tell the customer that it has a hand-embroidered motif, unlike the usual machine embroidered bags available in the market, that it is embroidered with pure silk thread and not ordinary synthetic thread, and that the motif has been stitched on the bag and not pasted with glue etc.
- Educating the customer about the unique features of your product makes them more willing to pay the price that you ask for.
Focus on Your USP
- Markets in most places are full of stuff for the residents as well as for the tourists.
- So, if a small business owner wants to make an impact and get customers, they must sell something unique, or sell things uniquely.
- Needless to say, the product must be of good quality and user-friendly.
- You should have a stock for returning customers, but apart from all this, the unique selling point (USP) of your business will make you stand-out among the competitors.
- So, find your USP, make it visible, and make sure the customers are aware of it.
Think Big
- Small businesses do not have a dedicated team for different tasks.
- So, you have to make sure that you make the best use of what you have.
- Think big, trust yourself and delegate tasks the best you can.
- Keep finding ways to grow and get things done more efficiently and effortlessly.
- Even if you have a staff of three, treat them well, divide tasks according to each one’s capability and ensure that your staff is happy with each other and with you.
- Keep in mind that all you do at work is aimed at making sales. Never forget the aim.
Value Based Selling
- This type of selling makes the purchaser understand why your offer is valuable to them.
- Based on the way you support the price of your product, it makes a lot of difference to the sales of small businesses.
- If you are able to convince the customer why a product is priced as much as it is, and how valuable the offer is, the possibility of a sale increases.
- This type of selling involves listening more and talking less.
- After you have understood the requirement of the customer, you ask a few questions to make sur you understand them correctly, then make an offer.
- You can lead the golden path of profitable sales if you are successful in identifying the value that you can provide to the customer.
Be Responsible
- As mentioned before, a small business owner doesn’t have a big team.
- So, you must make the best use of what you have. See it as your responsibility to train your staff in handling multiple tasks, in filling up for each other and doing it efficiently and without complains.
- Train them on the importance of being helpful and compassionate towards each other, make them learn how to handle customers and how to use communication effectively to make sales.
- With a little effort, time and experience, you will see it come naturally to them, but do not stop.
- The market is constantly evolving and so should you and your staff.
Contact us for our free one-hour consultation on latest ideas to make your business grow in today’s world. The best way to remain relevant is keeping your eyes open for changing tides, your mind open to new ideas and staying flexible.