It's all about Business Logic.

It’s all about Business Logic.


Website development Silverdale—As incredible as it might sound, the main and the most significant reason clients need architects to devise software is business. Business logic is the part of a business that categorizes and extracts the rules and functions for the final product to expose. Business logic can be reasonably divided into two parts: application logic and domain logic.

Exploring the application logic.

The application logic is the part of business logic that deals with implementing behind application visual endpoints. Anything that users can invoke from the presentation layer triggers some workflow, and the application logic is where the steps are orchestrated.

For example, consider the classic scenario of an e-commerce application in which the user submits an order. What typically happens next? In many tutorials that try to explain Microsoft ASP.NET, things stay pretty simple, and a new Order record is added to some database tables. On the other hand, in the real world, you usually go through a few more steps, such as validation, accounting, and delivery. The workflow is more sophisticated, and that’s precisely what creates possible areas.

Business Logic

Working with the gray areas of application logic

A common aspect of a software system that sometimes becomes confusing is where the logic that prepares data for the presentation belongs. It’s a gray area, and in most real-world scenarios, the moc used to read and save information is often different from the model used to process and display data. When does this logic belong? Is it in the business layer or presentation layer?

The application logic layer, or application layer, sits in between the presentation layer and the rest of the system and mediates the flow of data to and from the system’s back end. By design, the application logic is responsible for grabbing data from the presentation layer, sending it as input toward the back end, and receiving data to massage to meet the user interface’s needs.


This presents a multilayer architecture in which the presentation layer sends data to the application layer using classes from the input data model. Simultaneously, the presentation layer receives data for display purposes through the courses of the view data model. Finally, data exchange between the application layer and the back end is based on classes from another data model: the domain model.

Splitting the business logic into two parts, the topmost of the application logic helps keep things as clean and straightforward as possible and obvious who does what and how.

Exploring patterns of the application logic

The application logic consists of a bunch of workflows triggered by public endpoints. The endpoint can be reached via HTTP or in process, and the way it happens depends on the technology stack being used.

How would you go about coding a workflow?

There are essentially two patterns you can use. One is the classic approach of coding the macro operation’s entire logic in a single place—hard-coding conditions and loops as required. You can do that via plain C# code, or you can use scripts supported by commercial workflow frameworks. The difference concerning the final effects is not that much, but they are significant concerning flexibility and modifying and extending what you have.

Another approach is to use a message-based organization of the workflow. In this regard, you don’t have conditions and loops in code, but each action is pushed to a centralized mediator as a command. For example, the mediator can take the form of a bus or a queue. The flow of messages and handlers’ order can guarantee the correct flow of work and offer a far easier-to-handle and decoupled environment for coding this part of the business logic.

Examining the Domain logic

The domain logic is the part of the business logic that deals with business rules and aspects of the domain that are agnostic concerning other concerns that are not strictly business-related. It’s also correct to say that the domain logic is the part of the business logic that doesn’t vary between use-cases.

Deciding what’s domain and what’s not

Given a business domain, the application logic is implementing the use-cases for each of the applications that exist to solve the problems or serve the demands for that domain. If you have multiple fronts ends, such as one web front end and one mobile front end, you might need to have numerous application logic pieces—typically, one for ‘the use-cases of each front end. , all application logic layers will always refer to the exact domain-logic implementation as far as the business rules are concerned.

For example, in a banking scenario, multiple fronts ends, such as the teller application and online banking, might have their use-cases and might need to have their application-logic layers. Both, though, will always refer to the same domain-logic API as far as core business entities are concerned, such as accounts and wire transfers.

Business Logic

The domain logic is exclusively focused on aspects of the business described by users and stakeholders through interviews. It is agnostic concerning persistence, and it’s also agnostic concerning dependencies on external services such as web services.

The domain logic, for example, might need to know the current exchange rate of a given currency, but getting that value from an external service is a task that doesn’t belong to the domain logic. That’s because the domain logic is about how to use currency information, not about how to get that information.

Data types that represent entities in the business domain might need to have their content persisted at some point. This is not a concern of domain logic. Likewise, materializing instances of domain objects is not a concern of the domain logic, either. All of this belongs to surrounding layers.