Here are some tips to Make Your Small Business More Profitable:
Don’t Undercharge Customers
One of the major mistakes businesses make that leads to low profits is undercharging. If your prices are so low that you can barely cover expenses, you might want to re-think your offerings to make everything more sustainable.
Do Make Buying as Easy as Possible
Another potential roadblock is the difficult buying process. If customers have to jump through 10 different hoops in order to complete a purchase, they’re more likely to go with a competitor instead.
Don’t Focus Too Much on Bringing in New Customers
While it’s always good to be open to bringing on new customers, you shouldn’t focus on them so much that you neglect your current ones. You can potentially make more profits by focusing on increasing sales to existing customers.

To Prevent Theft and Waste
You might not be able to prevent all waste and theft in your business, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Put systems in place to detect and alert you of any issues or abnormalities so you can address them as quickly as possible.
Earn while you build
If you want to start a small business, don’t quit your day job—yet. Launching a successful startup is a process. Build your business in stages and gradually transition from employee to entrepreneur.
Do pay your taxes.
State and federal tax agencies assess heavy penalties for late-payments and can file liens, seize assets, or even close the business if taxes are not paid. As a business owner, you must be knowledgeable about your tax responsibilities.
Do understand the government
Do understand the government regulations that affect your industry (OSHA, EPA, FDA, DHHS, etc.) as well as the costs associated with complying with the rules and regulations.
Do have a clearly defined target market.
Understanding your potential customers will help you in determining the demand for your product or service and enable you to develop a more successful marketing strategy.
Do be prepared to use your own money to start your business.
Most businesses are started with money from personal savings, family, or friends. Keep in mind that lenders are usually not willing to loan you all of the money needed to start the business.

Determine your business idea
Do determine whether or not your business idea is feasible before going into business. Developing a business plan which includes financial projections is essential in determining the feasibility of your business idea.
Do consider working with professionals
Such as an accountant, bookkeeping service, and/or an attorney as part of the cost of doing business and include those costs in your budget. Most people who avoid the expense of using professionals for specialized services make mistakes that cost them both time and money in the long run.
We have always emphasized the importance of having a good website for your company because it can act as your best tool for marketing and sales. A poorly designed website can repulse people from your business and can cause you to lose customers before you even have them. Get in touch with HyperEffects to work on creating, enhancing, and making the website of your company more user-friendly.